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Trial Presentation Software

—For Flawless Visual Presentations

At Courtroom Concepts, we use state of the art trial presentation software. We have decades of experience perfecting our approach to showing deposition videos, key documents and select storytelling demonstratives.
Exhibits: Our document presentation systems allow exhibits to be accessed and displayed efficiently and rapidly in the courtroom. The trial consultant can move swiftly from exhibit to exhibit and can zoom in to highlight for maximum impact.

Deposition Testimony: In trial, during depositions playback, we link exhibits referred to during the testimony to relevant video clips—a service attorneys always value once they see it in action. Viewers see the video clip, the captioned text, and the document on the same screen.

Quality Control: One factor that sets us apart from many other companies is that quality control is essential to us. In countless trials, we’ve seen opponents’ poor quality presentations. We believe that when the stakes are high, the standards must be high. We make sure that each presentation is virtually flawless so that our client can focus on winning.

For litigators, a consistent momentum can give the winning edge. In litigation, everything revolves around the delivery of facts and story. That is why we double-check presentations as well as all equipment prior to proceedings and test run computer presentations.

On the Spot: Because we have extensive experience, we are confident with our operational skills. We often multi-task as we toggle between computer programs and responding to attorneys’ requests as they arise.

We are there when you need us: Often, we work with clients after trial and into the night. We are accustomed to the needs of trial attorneys and remain in contact with our home office, sending in requests for additional visuals, video cuts and any other necessary revisions.

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